The experts in the detection of the



An arterial detection is performed every three seconds in the world.
This medical procedure, although harmless, causes millions of French people to suffer at the time of the arterial sampling.
Arterya offers an unprecedent solution with its Blood'Up device.

12 million

patients affected by arterial detections


of arterial detections are unsuccessful


market alternatives
Watch an explanatory video



Detects the artery and the area to be sampled


Allows accurate and successful instant arterial detection the first time


Reusable and suitable for all skin and body types

Why use Blood'Up?

Due to failures related to arterial detections, healthcare facilities generate a lot of losses.
In average:

Financial loss

$ 4,055

per year and per hospital of material losses

Temporal loss

5 months

full time of a nurse over one year

$ 25,000

Financial loss

Temporal loss

Improve patient well-being
Save time for caregivers
By using Blood'Up, healthcare establishments will be able to:

Who are we ?

We are a tight-knit team moving together towards the same common goal.

Lucile Derly

Co-founder & CEO

Engineer, Lucile manages the challenges of the company on a daily basis

Stanislas Achard de la Vente


With solid knowledge, he is working on BloodUp market launch

Bastien Faure


With extensive experience in regulated products, he is in charge of R&D

Lucile Derly

Co-founder & CEO

Engineer, Lucile manages the challenges of the company on a daily basis

Stanislas Achard de la Vente


With solid knowledge, he is working on BloodUp market launch

Bastien Faure

Directeur Technique

Avec une vaste expérience en produits réglementés, il est en charge de la R&D

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